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O Dendro Hubu

Image by Nitish Kadam

Pripadnost Dendro Hub-a

Our Mission is to lower barriers to entry and increase accessibility and equity across the Global Dendro Community.

Our Vision is to provide a safe, stable online platform for dendrochronologists across the world to connect, collaborate, and engage in knowledge sharing.

DendroHub takes great effort in listing tree-ring labs, resources, & events relevant to the dendro community with the goal of increasing access to collaboration & tree-ring research for all. No fee or membership is required to access the site.

Image by Natalie Pedigo

Uzgoj Dendro zajednice

Trenutno Dendro Hub nije povezan i postoji da služi svim dendrokronolozima i onima koji su zainteresirani za učenje znanosti o prstenovima drveća.

Image by Caleb Woods

#Dendrochronology #Dendro #DendroTilYouDie #TreeRings #FireScarFriday #TreeRingTuesday #DendroHub...

Ne zaboravite označiti svoje objave kada dijelite svoj Dendro rad i prstenove! Dijeljenje pomaže jedni drugima promovirati i educirati javnost o znanosti o dendrokronologiji.

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