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Teave Dendro Hubi kohta

Image by Nitish Kadam

Dendro Hubi liitumine

Our Mission is to lower barriers to entry and increase accessibility and equity across the Global Dendro Community.

Our Vision is to provide a safe, stable online platform for dendrochronologists across the world to connect, collaborate, and engage in knowledge sharing.

DendroHub takes great effort in listing tree-ring labs, resources, & events relevant to the dendro community with the goal of increasing access to collaboration & tree-ring research for all. No fee or membership is required to access the site.

Image by Natalie Pedigo

Dendro kogukonna kasvatamine

Praegu ei ole Dendro Hub seotud ja teenindab kõiki dendrokronolooge ja neid, kes on huvitatud puurõngateaduse õppimisest.

Image by Caleb Woods

#Dendrokronoloogia #Dendro #DendroTilYouDie #TreeRings #FireScarFriday #TreeRingTuesday #DendroHub...

Ärge unustage oma postitusi sildistada, kui jagate oma Dendro töid ja puurõngaid! Jagamine aitab üksteist reklaamida ja harida avalikkust dendrokronoloogia alal.

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