Welcome to DendroHub!
The online community for dendrochronologists from around the world! Search around the site for resources, dendro tutorials, current tree-ring labs, and more. Connect with researchers around the globe, read insightful blogs, and contribute to the forum if you have Q's or A's.
If you have suggestions, additions, events, or opportunities, please contact DendroHub for posting. Thanks for your support in helping further the mission of DendroHub - promoting tree-ring research, easing barriers to entry, and increasing involvement & access for the Global Dendro Community.
DendroHub serves as a place of information and connection to all things dendrochronology and tree-ring science. This project is and will continue to remain in progress, as new labs, research, and information are always being developed and require updating. Design & development is currently underway with collaboration & gratuitous support from tree-ring partners in academic, industry, and non-profit sectors.
Please visit the Tree-Ring Society (TRS) and consider joining with a membership to TRS! Your support helps sponsor scholarships for travel & conference fees and supports awards such as the Florence Hawley Ellis Diversity Award to aid in "Advancing Diversity in Dendrochronology for Early-Career Scientists". Your membership with Tree-Ring Society makes the AmeriDendro & WorldDendro conferences and publication of Tree-Ring Research possible. There is a 50% discount on membership fees to students, retirees, and colleagues in developing countries. Membership includes a subscription to Tree-Ring Research, conference information, and conference discounts. Visit TRS Online.